
Why does Lord Ganesha have Elephants’ heads

Goddess Parvati started preparing for a bath. As she didn’t want to be disturbed during her bath and since Nandi was not at Kailash to keep guard of the door, Goddess Parvati took the turmeric paste (for bathing) from her body and made a form of a boy and breathed life into him. This boy was instructed by Goddess Parvati to guard the door and not let anyone in till she finished her bath.

Subsequently, when Shiva finally reached Kailash after spending a long time in Gajasura’s stomach, he found himself being stopped by this strange boy. Shiva tried to reason with the boy saying that he was Parvati’s husband but the boy did not listen and was determined to not let Shiva enter till his mother Goddess Parvati finished her bath. The boy’s behaviour surprised Shiva. Sensing that this was no ordinary boy, the usually peaceful Shiva decided he would have to fight the boy and in his divine fury severed the boy’s head with his Trishul thereby killing him instantly.

When Parvati learned of this, she was so enraged and insulted that she decided to destroy the entire Creation. At her call, she summoned all of her ferocious multi-armed forms, the Yoginis arose from her body and threatened to destroy all. Lord Brahma, being the Creator, naturally had his issues with this, and pleaded that she reconsider her drastic plan. She said she would, but only if two conditions were met: one, that the boy be brought back to life, and two, that he be forever worshipped before all the other gods.

Shiva, having cooled down by this time, agreed to Parvati’s conditions. He sent his Shiva-dutas out with orders to bring back the head of the first creature that is lying dead with its head facing North. The Shiva-dutas soon returned with the head of a strong and powerful elephant Gajasura which Lord Brahma placed onto the boy’s body. Breathing new life into him, he was declared as Gajanana and gave him the status of being foremost among the gods, and leader of all the ganas (classes of beings), Ganapati.

  The Story of Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is one of the most popular deities in Hinduism. He is known as the God of wisdom and the remover of obstacles. Many Hindus across the world pray to him before taking a test or when they need a bit of luck. Lord Ganesha is depicted with a golden complexion, a big belly, four arms and unlike the other Gods an elephant head. Lord Ganesha’s head is what makes him popular across the globe but it makes people wonder how the Hindu deity got his unique body.

Lord Ganesha was created by Goddess Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva. Parvati is known as the goddess of marriage, fertility, and harmony. Parvati and Shiva lived on Mount Kailash-the perfect place for a divine couple to live as it was isolated from civilization and mysticism. The  Gods lived a serene life up in the clouds of Mount Kailash.

One day, Parvati wanted to take a bath in peace in her palace in Mount Kailash. She wanted to be left with no distractions. If the goddess wanted to be left alone, she would keep her servant, Nandi, a guard at her door. However,  Nandi was not in Kailash that day. This wasn’t a big deal for Parvati as she had divine powers and she could find another solution to her dilemma. Parvati decided to create her guard out of turmeric paste that was used for her bath. She made a clay-like mixture with turmeric and moulded a boy. After the boy was moulded, he was given life by Parvati. The boy had golden skin and was beautiful. His name was Ganesha. Parvati gave Ganesha an order to guard her bathroom doors and to not let anyone in until she was done with her bathing. Ganesha promised to live up to this order. He was obedient to Parvati as she was his mother.

While Parvati was bathing, Shiva decided to take a break from his meditation and head to his Kailash home. He was eager to see his wife but was met with a little golden boy. When Shiva tried to enter the bathing quarters, Ganesha stopped him. Shiva was furious. He didn’t know that this boy was his son. Shiva didn’t understand why this boy was prohibiting him from entering his palace. Frustrated by Ganesha’s stubbornness, Shiva decapitated Ganesha with his Trishul, leaving Parvati’s son dead.

Once Parvati was done bathing, she quickly found out that Lord Shiva decapitated Ganesha. Parvati was enraged that Shiva would do such a thing. Shiva was startled by the anger she had for him and the motherly love she had for Ganesha. Parvati threatened the whole world with her Yoginis. She was adamant on destroying the world. She was stopped by negotiation with Lord Brahma, the creator. He promised that Ganesha would be brought back to life and that he would be worshipped. Shiva sent out his Shiva-dutas to bring the head of the first living creature they see. His people returned with the head of a freshly decapitated elephant. Lord Brahma placed the head on the deceased body of Ganesha and he was brought back to life as a divine being.

hindu prayer

What is Hinduism? Why are there so many Gods in Hinduism

Hinduism is often seen as a diverse yet complex religion. Although the philosophies of Hinduism are accepted around the globe, it might be quite difficult to understand it as a religion. Moreover, most of the beliefs that people have about Hinduism are not even true. This blog is to clear all the facts about Hinduism and answer one most important question “Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?”

What is Hinduism?

In simple words Hinduism is a “way of life” or more accurately, a compilation of many traditions and philosophies that guide us to lead our lives in a certain way. Hinduism is referred to as a “dharma” which has a deeper meaning than the word “religion”. Unlike the generally known point of view, Hinduism believes in “One Supreme power” that is the creator of mankind and has the ability to protect or even destroy it when necessary. It does not force any being to worship yet, provides patience, fulfilment, compassion and peace to the one who does. 

How did it originate and how did it get its name?

Although the word “Hinduism” is only as old as the colonial period, the word “Hindu” dates back to more than 4000 years. Initially, the term “Hindu” was more of a geographical term than religious. It was used for the people living around the Indus river (known as Sindhu in Sanskrit). The people from some other parts of the world were not able to pronounce it and thus “Sindhu” got improvised as “Hindu”. During the Indus Valley civilization, they had established certain rules for the society and defined a certain way of conducting life. Gradually, this came to be known as the “Hindu” religion altogether. The term “Hinduism” was coined only recently around 1830 by Indians who opposed British colonialism and wanted to establish a distinct identity for their community. 

Now let’s dive into the main question, which is, “Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?”

The logical reason 

Since the ancient times, when the religion thing was not even clearly termed, the people had a habit of being thankful to nature for letting them use its resources. So they used to show gratitude by treating them as “God” because it helped them sustain. That’s the reason why there are gods for all natural resources like God of Earth, God of Mountain, God of Wind, God of forest and so on. Later on, people started personifying and attributing them just to bring a sincerity towards them. As a sign of worship, man used to nurture the resources in return of using it, for example, planting more trees and watering them. With the passage of time, people started blindly following this “rule” of physical offerings, which is not even compulsory. 

The mythological reason

As mentioned earlier, Hinduism believes in “One Supreme Power” which has three main forms, that are, Brahma-the creator, Vishnu– the sustainer, Shiva– the destroyer. All other Hindu deities are just the incarnation of these Gods in the human world like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesha, etc. The incarnations took place mostly to end some evil being that was a huge threat to mankind and could not be tackled by a normal person. It can also be said that they were just great men blessed with some special powers, born into the world with a motive to end evil. 

Does it promote idol worship and physical offerings?

These great men did a lot for the welfare of the society and achieved some unpredictable milestones. Therefore, people started to worship them and offer them their favourite delicacies just to make them happy, similar to what we might normally do for someone whom we are grateful for. They continued to be worshiped throughout the generations, even when they were not physically present as it was believed they would bless them. The Hindu Guru’s formulated the idea of idol worship just to increase concentration during prayers. Further, people started to worship the idols with physical offerings like sweets and milk. As the idols were made in an open space, the offerings would generally be eaten up by the insects, birds or animals which made it look like it is actually “accepted by God”. This further promoted the idea of idol worship and physical offerings to another level. At that point, there was nothing wrong with it as it was being consumed by the needy, who are also a part of nature. But in recent times, this has turned into blind faith, where people are unaware of where their offerings go. Sadly, much of it goes into drains which is a wrong practice, and something that needs awareness. 

Why do some people mostly worship a particular God?

This is solely because of the fact that some people relate more with a particular God because of their nature and background. For example, Lord Krishna was the king of Dwarka, a place in Gujarat. You will find most of the people in Gujarat worship Lord Krishna the most as they might feel a special connection towards their character. This can vary with respect to other aspects as well but the idea is to have faith and pray irrespective of expecting anything in return. 

Hope this blog cleared all that you had in mind about “Hinduism” and the reason behind so many Gods. Share this with anyone you think might be curious about it and let us know how you liked it. 

Also If you’re planning your trip to India, we would be delighted to host you. You can mail us at or send us a Quick Whatsapp message.

Wellness Destinations in India

India’s wellness locations are renowned for their centuries-old, effective medicinal practises incorporating Ayurveda, yoga, and naturopathy, which are considered to revitalise the mind, body, and spirit.

India is one of the most well-liked international locations for wellness and medical tourists looking for a holistic getaway from the daily grind. The unique experiences range from Yoga retreats and Ayurveda therapies to farm fresh cooking and staying in the jungle, they are sure to provide a long-lasting and blissful relaxation.

You can experience supreme levels of health and tranquillity by exploring the top 10 wellness destinations described below.

Top Wellness Destinations in India

  1. Ananda in the Himalayas.
    Ananda is one of the most well-known luxury spa resorts in the nation, and it is spread out on the old royal estate of the Maharaja of Tehri Garhwal in the foothills of the Himalayas. Visitors have a choice between suites and private villas that are encircled by the sal forest.

It is one of the most sought-after Ayurveda resorts in India, in part because of its stunning position with a view of Rishikesh and the Ganges. Make your trip more special by reserving one of the resort’s private pool villas, regardless of which of its wellness programmes you choose.

  1. Neeleshwar Hermitage.
    With its beachfront position and palm-roofed villas, Kerala’s Neeleshwar Hermitage is an incredibly famous Ayurveda resort. The venue’s four-day Transcendental Meditation course, conducted by cultural director Alistair Shearer, can help you unwind further during your visit.
  2. The Vivanta by Taj, Madikeri
    The Vivanta by Taj, Madikeri is located in the mist-shrouded hills of the Western Ghats and surrounded by captivating scenery.  The place is full of beautiful scenery. Join Muddy Boots and the hotel for the Backpacker Diaries excursion to learn more about this region.

    Learn how to survive, go off-road biking, and otherwise immerse oneself in the beautiful rainforest, letting go of all the daily stress and letting your mind and soul rejuvenate.
  3. Spiritual Rishikesh
    The northern city of Rishikesh is still regarded as one of India’s most spiritual locations. It is famous for having housed the Beatles while they studied Transcendental Meditation in the 1960s. Sit along the Ganges River’s banks and take in the fire-lit Aarti ceremony at sunrise and dusk for a truly authentic Rishikesh experience.
  4. Kalari Kovilakom
    Go to the Kalari Kovilakom in northern Kerala if you want to experience Ayurveda in a traditional and intensive manner.  The little retreat, housed in a 200-year-old palace, tries to foster a welcoming, organized, and therapeutic atmosphere.

    Ayurvedic massages and healing therapies are available at this wellness centre, which is surrounded by lush greenery and adjacent to the well-known Kovalam Beach.
    You can also take a leisurely stroll to enjoy the stunning scenery around.
  5. Kaya Kalp Royal Spa.
    Though it’s located just an hour outside of Delhi, the ITC Grand Bharat feels like it’s a world away from the frenetic city. Adding to the sprawling hotel’s oasis vibe is its flagship Kaya Kalp Royal Spa. Encompassing nine private rooms, a hammam, and a wide-ranging list of treatments, you are sure to indulge in pampering and cater to self-love at its finest at this beautiful destination.
  6. Niraamaya Spa.
    Visiting the Niraamaya retreats in Kovalam, Kerala to experience rejuvenation at its best is a must whenever you visit the Indian subcontinent. It offers a higher degree of flexibility to its guests and is a great choice for pampering.

    Each patron gets an opportunity to indulge in a custom experience because they are given the freedom to choose the treatments they prefer.
  7. Raas Devigarh.
    Raas Devigarh is not just one of India’s most evocative atmospheric retreats but it is also the location of one of the nation’s most renowned spas thanks to a partnership with British spa company Ila.

    It is housed in an 18th-century palace in the Aravalli Hills.  Consider items manufactured with components that were organically gathered in India, a Himalayan salt cave, and Devi Blessings, a programme of nine treatments lasting two hours that is exclusive to the hotel.
  8. Somatheeram Ayurveda Resort.
    Somatheeram Ayurveda resort, spread on 15 acres of Chowara beach in Kerala, was the first Ayurvedic resort in the world when it opened in 1985. Although Ayurveda has been practised for thousands of years, it has never been made available as a high-end experience for foreign tourists. You will be well taken care of thanks to Somatheeram’s staff of 90 Ayurvedic therapists and 20 Ayurvedic doctors.

    This resort offers a variety of Ayurveda treatments for illnesses and is home to an Ayurveda Hospital along with a training facility.
  9.  Atmantan Resort.
    Atmantan is a luxury spa resort located near Pune in Maharashtra that specialises in both Ayurvedic and Western wellness services. It is situated on the shores of the gorgeous Mulshi Lake. There are more than 100 guest rooms and villas at the resort, each with an attached balcony or a private sitting area.

    The resort promotes eating behaviours that nourish the mind as well as the body by offering a wellness cuisine that is both wholesome and delicious.

These wellness destinations in India have given it a whole new definition. Immerse yourself into a state of deep serenity and experience supreme harmony with yourself with healing therapies and pure, healthy cuisines.

You can definitely explore our customized tour packages that take you to the top Wellness destinations while on your stay in India.


The Wizard of Indian Hockey

India has a deep connection with its national game, hockey. Although not much highlighted, hockey has brought a lot of pride to India. Recently, the Indian men’s hockey team won the bronze medal in Tokyo Olympics 2021. Following this great event, the Indian government changed the highest sports award, “Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award,” to “Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award” on 6th August 2021 after receiving requests from all across the country. 

1928-1956 was when India used to dominate world hockey and made India standout at the International level. India won 6 gold medals in a row from 1928 – 1956 and gave an unbeatable performance at the Olympics Games. There was a wizard behind all of this who used to create the magic on the Hockey field. 

Major Dhyan Chand, an army man and a phenomenal hockey player, was known worldwide for his excellent ball control. He was the one who showed the vision to the people of India, that even they are capable of representing India at an International level back when India was still under British rule. So let’s take a closer look at how an ordinary army man came to be known as “The wizard of Indian Hockey.” 

Not many people know that Major Dhyan Chand’s real name was Dhyan Singh. He was born in Allahabad to Shraddha Singh and Someshwar Singh, who worked in the British Indian Army. 

Initially, he had no severe inclination towards sports, but he loved wrestling. He said he did not even remember if he played hockey before joining the Army. He joined the Army when he was 17 and started playing army hockey tournaments and regimental games. He made way for the Indian Army’s hockey team to the New Zealand tour in 1926. They won 18 matches, drew two, and lost only one match. This remarkable performance got him selected for the Indian Hockey team for the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam. 

In the 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics, India defeated Germany by 8-1and bagged the gold medal. However, even that one goal made by Germany was incidental, and in fact, was the only goal against India in the entire Olympics. Such was the magic of “The Wizard” Major Dhyan Chand. 

Adolf Hitler even ordered the officials to cross-check his hockey stick for any magnets but couldn’t find anything. He was so amazed that he even requested him to play for Germany along with the offer of providing him German citizenship and a position of a colonel in the German Army. Major Dhyaan Chand refused the offer as he was a patriot at heart. 

He played his last international match in 1948 against the Netherlands and decided to take a retirement from “serious hockey.” In 1956 he retired from the Indian Army as a lieutenant and was honored with the Padma Bhushan India’s third-highest civilian award. 

He taught at coaching camps at Mount Abu, Rajasthan. Later he was offered the position of Chief Hockey Coach at the National Institute of sports. 

Major Chand died of Liver Cancer on 3rd December 1979 at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Since then, his birthday, 29th August, is celebrated as the National Sports Day of India.

Legends like Major Dhyan Chand are born only once, but their legacy goes on forever. 

mumbai-skyline-skyscrapers-construction (1)

The Story of India’s Dream City: Mumbai

Crowded streets, flashy buildings, and luxury cars; that’s what most people imagine when Mumbai’s name comes up. And why not? After all, it’s the commercial, financial and entertainment capital of India. And the image it has resembles a lot with reality.

But what’s more interesting is knowing how a mere group of seven Islands flourished into a “dream” city gaining international recognition. Here’s a brief insight.


The enormous city was initially a group of seven islands, home to the fishermen from the “Koli community.” The islands were under the control of successive indigenous rulers for centuries until the Portuguese found them. In 1498 AD, the Portuguese explorer Vasco Da Gama landed in Calicut seaport for the first time. He was warmly received by King Zamorin, the local ruler of Calicut, and sent back with a rich cargo worth 60 times the cost of the expedition. In 1501 AD, Gama visited again. This time to set up a trading unit at Cannanore. Soon they began to spread their trade units successfully across the region.  Arab traders grew jealous of the success of the Portuguese traders and planned to mess up their relations with the local king Zamorin.

This eventually led to a war between the two. The King was defeated by the Portuguese and handed over military control. This marked the beginning of foreign rule in India.

The Portuguese kept ruling until Prince Charles II married Catherine of Braganza in 1661 and received the seven islands as dowry. After some time, the King realized it was a lot of trouble ruling this far-off city “Bombay” (as it was called then). So, he leased it to the East India Company for 10 pounds of gold annually.

The East India Company was formed by a group of English merchants called the ‘Merchant Adventurers’ in 1599 who was inspired by the Portuguese traders. This was the time when Bombay flourished and all the developments started happening although most of it was for trade purposes.

Development Phase

Gerald Aungier became Governor of Bombay in 1669 and established the mint and printing press. He also transformed the city into a centre of commerce. The various business incentives offered by him attracted other Indian communities like Gujaratis, Marwaris, Parsis and Jews etc. Bombay was made the Indian Headquarters of the East India Company in 1687. 

Bombay faced a lot of wars during the late 17th century as various Portuguese and Indian rulers tried to gain control. The construction of The Bombay Castle was completed in 1715, which would safeguard it from all the sea attacks by the Portuguese and Mughals. The St. Thomas cathedral was constructed in 1718 by Charles Boone, the first Anglican Church in Bombay. In 1753, the Naval Dockyard was opened, the oldest dockyard in the city.

Between the period of 1817-1886, Bombay saw a lot of city developments and most of the historical constructions that we see today were formed.

The Hornby Vellard project, which was rejected by the East India Company in 1783  started gaining momentum in 1817. One of the main improvements was the construction of the Wellington Pier, the present Gateway of India area. The Bank of Bombay, the oldest bank in the city, was opened in 1840. By 1845, all seven islands were connected to form a single island called the Old Bombay covering an area of 435 sq. km owing to the Hornby Vellard Project. The Grant Medical College, the third in the country, was founded by Governor Robert Grant in 1845. On 16th April 1853, India’s first-ever railway line started its operations between Bombay and Thane, covering 21 miles.

The Bombay spinning and weaving company, Bombay’s first cotton mill, was established in July 1854. The University of Bombay and the University of Calcutta were founded in 1857, which were the first modern institutions for higher education in India. These developments by the British went on and on until India gained Independence.

At the time of Independence, Bombay was already a mainstream city with a lot of political and financial significance.

Shaping into the present scenario

The name Bombay was changed to “Mumbai” in 1995 after the mother Goddess of the city Mumba Devi.

Mumbai has always been known for its fast-paced life. Being a city of national relevance and headquarters to many of the important national institutions, it has a working population. Owing to the very competent Mumbai local trains, the city has managed to keep its local transport costs minimal along with maintaining efficiency. Mumbai has the highest number of millionaires and billionaires in the country. Another huge thing associated with the city of Mumbai is the epic Indian film industry. Mumbai is better known as the film city and seems to be a dream to many youngsters in the country. The relation between the city and movies dates to the late 19th century. The first film ever shot by an Indian was “ The wrestlers” made in 1899 made by HS Hatavdekar. The first film released in India was Sree Pundalik, a silent Marathi film by Dadasaheb Torne on May 18th 1912. Although short motion pictures were made, the first full-length motion picture, Raja Harishchandra, was made by Dada Saheb Phalke in 1913. The Indian film Industry has kept rapidly expanding through the years and here it is now, releasing over 1000 movies on an average annually.

So much of the happenings, related to just one city. Isn’t it quite a rich history?

To experience an insightful understanding of the city’s rich history, culture, and lifestyle led by our friendly English-speaking female tour guide, contact us now.

We help traveller’s to find their perfect boundless vacation with the pride and satisfaction of contributing towards a noble cause of empowering women in India.

You will experience an insightful understanding of the city’s rich history, culture, and lifestyle led by our friendly English-speaking female tour guide (who also is the brand ambassador of our organisation).

To know more about us or our tours & experiences in Mumbai, kindly send us an enquiry.

Bollywood Tour

The Evolution of Bollywood Industry

Ranging from all genres be it action, romantic, comedy, thriller, or horror, Bollywood has several options within each of them. Unlike other film industries of the world, Bollywood has some unique things to offer the audiences which have helped it grow even more.

Began in 1913, with silent movies the Indian film Industry has now become a $3.7 billion industry, producing 1000 films per year on an average. It has made tremendous growth in almost a little more than a hundred years and is expected to perform even better in the coming years. Well, what makes it unique and one of its kind? Let’s dig in!

How did it get the name?

The term bollywood was derived taking inspiration from “Hollywood”, used for the American film industry and the initial letter “B” stands for Bombay (now Mumbai) as the Indian film industry is based there.  But unlike the name, Bollywood is way different from Hollywood in terms of the movie’s characteristics.


In 1913 The first-ever Indian film was Raja Harishchandra, a black and white silent movie based on mythology was made by Dada Saheb Phalke. India only produced silent movies until the movie Alam Ara came out in 1931 with all the musical and dance elements. A few years later in 1937, the first Indian colour movie ‘Kisan Kanya’ came out. Since those times the industry growth has been massive. Let’s look into how Bollywood evolved through the years…

The Golden Era( 1940’s – 1960’s)

The 1940’s- 1960’s era was said to be the Golden Era of Bollywood. Movies around this time were mostly about revolution, highlighting social issues, struggles and wonders of urban life. The era gave out some evergreen movies like Mother India(1957) and Mughal-e-Azam(1960). Some of the actors who ruled during this era include Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Guru Dutt and actresses like Nargis, Vyjayanthimala, Meena Kumari, Nutan, Madhubala, and others.

 Classic Bollywood (1970’s -1980’s)

Movies during this period had shifted to the mix of romance and action. They generally included a villian involved in some crime, and the protagonist mainly acting as a savior for the public like Sholay (1975). Most of the movies also had a female lead who would act as the reason behind all the fights! 

This era experienced some of the most legendary actors like Rajesh Khanna being the first actor to be given the tag “superstar”. Amitabh Bachhan, Rishi Kapoor, Dharmedra were also some of them. Not only actors but actresses like 

Hema Malini, Jaya Bachchan, Rekha, Dimple Kapadia did some great work.

 New Bollywood (1990’s – Present)

Around the late 80’s when the industry growth started becoming stagnant due to the excessive violence, crime and decline in quality of music, a new set of actors entered Bollywood. One such movie was “Qayamat se Qayamat tak”(1988) starring Aamir Khan  which proved to be a turning point. During the 1990’s – 2000’s Bollywood produced some really great romantic movies like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995), Hum Aapke Hain Kaun(1994), Kuch Kuch Hota hai (1998) and comedy movies like Biwi No. 1 and Raja Babu. These movies not only had a great storyline but also backed by rich music and dance. 

This era gave rise to ‘The Three Khans’ of bollywood namely Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan. Not only these but many other stars like Govinda and Akshay Kumar became prominent during these times. 

A list of Bollywood beauties ruled hearts during this era, like Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra, Priety Zinta, Rani Mukherjee and many more.

During the early 2000’s movies generally featured NRI communities as this was the period India started to witness globalization. Hence, most of them were shot overseas. The present time movies are a mix of everything-romance, drama, thriller, action, and science fiction. Now-a-days movies that break societal stereotypes are also coming up like Thappad(2020) and Pink(2016). This is a huge upgrade for the industry and hopefully much more is going to be achieved in the coming years.

What things will you experience on a Bollywood tour?

Your Bollywood expert guide will take you on a story-telling walk to the celebrity neighborhood of some of the biggest Bollywood stars. After the induction walk, we will use the world-famous Mumbai local train to reach the premier Bollywood studio. We walk you through some elaborate film sets like the hospital, courtroom, Police station and see how these structures are built and taken down overnight. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to witness a live shoot, see a film crew at work, and perhaps even meet celebrities.

The highlight of the visit is the recording room; where you will learn how dubbing takes place, as well as how special effects are used in Bollywood films. Over here you would also have a chance to record a Karaoke song of your choice. Last but not least we will be a part of a live dance show and you’ll even get to dance with them! This tour is highly recommended if you are a Bollywood fan or simply want to learn about Indian cinema in detail. 

Hope to meet you soon on the tour!


Survival Hindi 

The 21st century has seen more and more people step in to travel the world and learn about different cultures. When you travel to a different country, there are new challenges to face and adapt to the overwhelming culture, food, people, etc. It can get a bit more difficult than expected when English is not the primary language of the host country. It is a bit easy at least in some continents, where the primary languages of the countries have similar scripts. The similarity in the words can enable the traveller to play with it and communicate to fulfil its purpose. Unlike in some countries like India, where the country itself is equivalent to a continent, every state or region has its own official languages and dialects. In such cases, it becomes very essential to know that one language which could help you to communicate in every state and region of the country. 

Although every state has a different language, Hindi is the official language of India. Even if you visit a certain area where people don’t speak Hindi, they would still understand it. So Hindi is the language you can use to communicate in the entire country regardless of whichever state you go into. But the hard fact is Hindi is not an easy language you could learn in a few weeks or months. Although, there are many online lessons on the internet which claim to make your Hindi fluent in 3 months, which is practically impossible. Moreover, one cannot devote 3-4 months just to learn a foreign language to use it on their trip. But nevertheless, in this blog, you will learn about the useful sentences which will allow you to survive with your Hindi speaking and where to place it.

Before we begin with the sentences, we just want to let you know something very important. Hindi has multiple similar sounding letters which change the meaning completely if you miss the correct pronunciation. For example, the Hindi language has 4 T’s and 4 D’s. So you don’t want to end up in some embarrassing situation with a disastrous meaning. So make sure you learn the correct pronunciations of these survival Hindi phrases. You can use free tools 

Like Google Pronounce, for that purpose.

The survival Hindi phrases are divided into 3 sections based on situations they need to be used and combinely cover almost all the sentences you might need throughout your trip.

Basic Words:

  • Yes – Haa
  • No – Nahi
  • Day – Din
  • Morning – Subah
  • Night – Raat
  • Water – Paani
  • Food – Khana
  • Left – Baaye
  • Right – Daaye
  • Today – Aaj 
  • Tomorrow – Kal
  • Yesterday – Kal 
  • Day after tomorrow – Parso 
  • Temple – Mandir
  • Mosque – Masjid
  • Okay – Thik Hai
  • Let’s go – Chalo
  • What – Kya
  • Why – Kyu
  • Who – Kaun
  • When – Kab
  • Where – Kaha
  • How – Kaisey 
  • You – Aap
  • Me – Mai
  • They – Vo
  • Them – Unko
  • There – Unka
  • Come – Aao
  • Go – Jao
  • Run – Bhaag
  • More – Zada
  • Very- Bohat
  • Less – Kam
  • Correct – Sahi
  • Wrong – Galat

Basic words while eating out:

  • Breakfast – Nashta
  • Lunch/Dinner – Khana
  • Tea – Chai  
  • Sugar – Cheeni
  • Sweet –  Mitha
  • Salt – Namak
  • Salty – Namkeen
  • Chilli – Mirchi
  • Spicy – Teekha
  • Sour – Khatta
  • Bitter – Kadwa
  • Chapati/Bread – Roti
  • Rice – Chawal
  • Vegies – Sabzi
  • Hot – Garam
  • Cold – Thanda

While meeting someone/Goodbyes:

  • Hello/GoodBye- Namaste
  • How are you?- Aap Kaise ho?
  • I am fine- Mai theek hu
  • What is your name- Aapka naam kya hai?
  • My name is John- Mera naam John hai.
  • Where do you live- Aap Kaha rehte ho?
  • I live in India- Mai India mei rehta/ rehti hu
  • Do you speak English- Kya aap English bolte ho?
  • I speak very little Hindi- Mai bohat kam Hindi bolta/bolti hu.
  • Nice to meet you- Aapsey mil kar acha laga
  • Thankyou- Dhanyawad/ Shukriya( Although these are the Hindi words for thank you, you may simply choose to say Thank You as most of the people know these basic english words)
  • We will meet again/soon- Fir milenge 

When you want to express/appreciate:

  • It’s very beautiful- Ye bohat sundar hai
  • You are very beautiful – Aap bohat sundar hai
  • You are very nice – Aap bohat ache hai
  • It’s tasty/delicious- Ye bohat swadisht/tasty hai
  • What’s there for breakfast/lunch/dinner- Khane me kya hai?
  • India is great- India bohat acha hai
  • Good, Great, Very Good- Bohat acha
  • That’s very spicy- Bohat tikha hai
  • Very little spicy– Bohat kam tikha

While Shopping/sightseeing:

  • How much- Kitna
  • It’s too expensive- Bahut mehnga hai
  • I want to go to Dadar- Mujhe Dadar jana hai
  • I don’t need it- Mujhe nahi chahiye
  • Go by meter- Meter se chalo
  • Let’s go – Chalo 
  • Stop –  Ruko
  • What happened – Kya hua?



Offbeat Destinations to Travel in India

Tired of visiting the same age-old tourist spots? Looking for a new scenic beauty and unexplored destinations across the country?

Well, India is home to some of the world’s most beautiful scenic beauties and yet most travelers stick to the same old places. The eccentric offbeat destinations of India described in this article offer a unique experience. 

Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of city life and escaping to these locales of the country will undoubtedly help you indulge in an unforgettable vacation experience.

If you wish to avoid the crowds while exploring the raw natural beauty and unusual cultures of India,  these offbeat destinations are a must see for every traveler who is seeking to experience a plethora of new adventures and create beautiful memories.

1. Daman and Diu.
Daman and Diu offer a more tranquil and affordable vacations. It is also one of the top romantic getaways in India due to its clean golden beaches and immense peace.Moreover adventure seekers can also indulge in water sports and horseriding among a host of other outdoor activities. A spiritual tour of the temples and churches through the dense palm grooves will surely make you feel ecstatic.

2. Sikkim.
If you wish to spend a relaxing vacation with friends and family in a serene environment surrounded by snow clad mountains, Sikkim in north east is the perfect place to visit. Brimming with lush greenery, Buddhist monastries and sprawling hills Sikkim is certainly a preferred choice for individuals seeking a peaceful escape. Whether you like to indulge in adventure activities, ride a yak or shop for the handcrafted tibetan goods, Sikkim has got it all covered.

3. Tawang.
Tawang in Arunachal pradesh is a lesser known tourist spot that ensures a delightful trip owing to its lushness and snow clad Himalayan mountains. Travellers can choose to immerse themselves in peaceful meditation session at Taktsang Gompa, indulge in a hike till Gorichen Peak, witness the nature’s magic at Nuranang waterfalls or watch the beautiful sunset at Shonga Tser lake.

4. Mawlynnong.
Mawlynnnong in Meghalaya is popular for its untouched beauty and enticing charm. Infamously known as Asia’s cleanest village, this place offers abundance of choices for travellers to explore ranging from the Root bridge in the wild, indulging in trek till the brun Khongmen Viewpoint to riding a boat in the ultra clean Umngot River Dowki.

5. Halebid.
Halebid in Karnataka is one of the most ancient temple towns in South India. It is still untouched by tourist crowds which makes this place one of the most preferred offbeat destinations in India. Famously known as Dwarasamudra, the town fell into a state of ruin in the early 14th Century. However, what makes this place worth visiting is the fact that even in a ravaged state, the town’s glory still remains undiminished.

6. Devprayag.
Devprayag in Uttarakhand is a place enroute the holy temple of Kedarnath. It is a holy place where two rivers merge namely, Mandakini and Alaknanda. This merger gives form to the most worshipped river of India called the river Ganga. The place where the merger happens is infamously known as Sangam. This celestial town is situated at 800 metres above sea level. Adventure lovers can indulge in water sports activities whereas travellers seeking a tranquil experience can pay a visit to the holy temples.

So, now that you have the list of locations to visit, leave the beaten path and plan a trip to the offbeat destinations in India to experience an incredible relaxing vacation.

To make it easier for you, XYZ travels has customized packages designed to help you travel to the offbeat destinations in India and create experiences that will last a lifetime.

How to Catch a Local Train in Mumbai?

How to Catch a Local Train in Mumbai?

Mumbai is an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world. With tons of beaches, heritage monuments, a plethora of options to eat out, a shopping paradise and a bustling city life, it is a place worth exploring.

If you wish to go from one end of the city to another in the fastest possible way, then catching a Mumbai local is the best option. Infamously known as the lifeline of Mumbai, it is the most preferred and budget-friendly travelling option for newcomers in the city.

Also, there is a saying that if you can travel by Mumbai local trains, then you can travel by any train around the world. However, travelling in a local train can be a daunting task for tourists.

Read this article till the end to know every aspect about travelling by the Mumbai local trains and make your journey a memorable experience.

Local train routes in Mumbai-

Before beginning your journey, it is vital to know the routes of local trains. Local trains running in Mumbai are spread out over three major routes, the Western line, the Central line and the Harbour line.

The western line stretches from the southernmost tip of the city beginning at Churchgate to the outer north of the city till Virar.

The central line commences from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus in the South and goes up to the northeast till Karjat and Kasara.

The Harbour line runs from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj  Terminus to Navi Mumbai and Panvel through the eastern dock area.

Out of the above three, the western line is the most chosen route by tourists, since it has the highest number of tourist spots. The major stations on this route are Bandra, a happening place in Mumbai suburbs; Mahalaxmi for its close proximity to Haji Ali Dargah and Borivali to explore Sanjay Gandhi national park.

Andheri, on the western route, is also an important destination because of its close proximity to the international airport. 

Types of local trains

Now that you are familiar with the routes of Mumbai local, it is time to look at the types of trains running on these routes.

Mumbai local trains are classified as Fast and Slow trains, indicated by ‘F’ and ‘S’, respectively on the monitor screen at the platform. Fast trains halt at fewer stations while slow trains halt at every station. The monitor screen also displays the list of stations where fast trains won’t stop.

However, it is very important for tourists to clearly know their destination station name. If you are confused with the name, ask a local individual. It is very common among tourists to miss their destination station and get down a couple of stations ahead or before.

Suitable days and time to travel by local train

This is the most important aspect for tourists in order to catch the local train and have an unforgettable experience of travelling in Mumbai local.

If you wish to travel on the western line, it is recommended to travel on weekends and holidays.

However, if you don’t have any alternative and choose to travel on a weekday, do so between 11 am to 5 pm to avoid the rush of morning and evening hours.

It is crucial to know that the local trains are densely crowded during the morning and evening peak hours from 7 am to 11 am and 5 pm until 11 pm.

It is always advised to tourists to avoid travelling in local trains during those peak hours. However, if you wish to witness the experience, you can do so by observing the rush hours from a safe place on the platform, especially at Dadar and Andheri stations. 

How to book a ticket.

The most preferred method to book the local train tickets is through the ticket counters which are right outside the station premises on both ends of the platform.

Tickets available are of two types, first-class and second class. First-class tickets are expensive since first-class carriages have padding on their seats and are less crowded. Second class tickets are highly affordable and widely preferred by commuters while travelling in the local.

You can either purchase a single journey ticket or a return journey ticket. A single journey ticket is preferable if you wish to just reach your desired station and have no intentions of coming back from the same route.

However, if you want to travel back the same route, it is recommended to purchase a return journey ticket. This eliminates the need to purchase another ticket while coming back.
Both types of tickets are valid for only one journey and should happen on the same day.

Once you are near the station premises, head to the ticket booking windows. Depending on your time and location, you might see a short or long queue of people waiting to purchase their tickets. Get in the queue and once your turn comes, tell them the destination station precisely and check your ticket after you get it.

If you wish to purchase a first-class coach ticket, you have to specify it at the counter while purchasing the ticket. 

An alternate way to skip the long queues and purchase the tickets is through the UTS mobile application. Download the app and register yourself and take advantage to book local train tickets without standing in queues outside the station premises.

Also, refrain from purchasing tickets from any individual outside the station premises.

Locating the platform and the coach.

You can start proceeding towards the platform after you have your ticket to get into the local train. If you are heading either towards CST or Churchgate, you can go to platform number 2 or 4 depending on your choice of catching a slow or fast local.

If you are going towards Virar, you can proceed to platform number 1 or 3 as per your choice of slow or fast local.

However, it is always recommended to look up to the monitor screen near the ticket booking counter to precisely know the platform or ask a local passenger to avoid boarding the wrong train.

Once you are on the platform, make sure to be at the right place to board the right coach. If you have purchased a first-class ticket, look for red coloured stripes or a board indicating the first-class coach. A first-class coach of the Mumbai local train has distinct red coloured stripes painted over it.

If you are a sole female and wish to travel in a ladies only coach, look for places where a large crowd of women is congregated on the platform. A ladies’ carriage in a local train is identified by green coloured stripes over it.

It is recommended that you reach the platform at least 3-4 minutes prior to the required time to avoid catching the train amidst the rush. 

Getting on and off the train.

Be prepared to forget your manners and push or get pushed while boarding the local train. There is no nice or correct way to board the local trains of Mumbai. Usually, passengers wait for the crowd to get down and then rush all in at the same time to enter the coach and grab the seats.

For tourists and newcomers, it is recommended to stay between the crowd, neither behind nor ahead and then use your discretion to get into the train.

Avoid standing near the door, if you prefer not to be pushed constantly. Always prefer going inside the coach towards the seating arrangements. We do not recommend standing on the footboard of the train.

While deboarding the local train, in case it is crowded, come near to the gate at least 1 or 2 stations prior to your destination station. If there is less crowd in the train, then you can make your way to the gate as soon as the train approaches your destination station.

It is better to wait near the gate amongst the crowd and wait for the train to stop while getting down.

Also, don’t be surprised if you witness other passengers getting off the train even before it stops.

The local trains usually halt for 30 seconds at all stations and for 3-5 mins at terminating stations which are either Churchgate, CST, Borivali or Virar.

Once, you get off the train, you can take the exit towards the west or east side.
Since the majority of the tourist attractions fall on the west side, you can take the exit from platform number one.

However, if you prefer to go to the east side, you can choose the way exiting from the last platform, usually platform 4 or 8.


Some key tools that help you to make your local train ride enjoyable include the mobile applications m-indicator, UTS ticket booking app and a map of the local train routes. M indicator gives you quick access to timetables and station names of all three routes.

Follow the steps guided in this article and soon you will be one among the millions to have a memorable experience of catching the local trains of Mumbai.
If you have any further queries about Mumbai locals, feel free to ask in the comments section. 

India is a beautiful country with enormous history and culture. People in India are really welcoming with some great smiles on their faces and values rooted deep, as we believe in manifesting our tourism slogan “Atithi Devo Bhava” which translates as “the guest is God”.

We help travellers to find their perfect boundless vacation with the pride and satisfaction of contributing towards a noble cause of empowering women in India.

You will experience an insightful understanding of the city’s rich history, culture, and lifestyle led by our friendly English-speaking female tour guide (who also is the brand ambassador of our organisation). 

To know more about us or our tours & experiences in Mumbai, kindly send us an enquiry.

Movies to Watch before Visiting India

Travel movies often fuel your inner wanderlust like nothing else and inspire you to travel to the desired country and explore its beauty.

If you are like any other wayfarer, you will fall in love with the picture-perfect locales and stunning destinations portrayed in the movies.

India is truly a unique destination with a huge diversity of experiences worthy of exploring. The following films are a must-watch for every globetrotter considering their travel to India or wishing to know more about Indian culture. 

Some movies depict Indian life in its most raw form, while some dramatize Indian history, and others show the urban and rural landscapes. Nevertheless, these movies will introduce you to the sounds and sights of an incredible India.

It will help you understand more about India and feel connected to the nation while you travel and witness things in real life that you once saw in the movie.

However, this is not an exhaustive list, but these movies best capture the inner beauty and essence of the nation.

So, without waiting any longer, let’s scroll through the list and feel free to choose your ideal movie to watch after reading this article.

10 movies to watch before visiting India.

1. The Lunchbox
This movie depicts a simple yet profound story of two strangers, enduring in their own ways, who come together thanks to the mistake of the inspiring lunchbox delivery system in Mumbai, India. The story paints an accurate picture of the vital role food plays in the everyday lives of Indians.
2. Bride and Prejudice
This movie showcases a pleasant and exciting spin on the full-bodied Bhangra centred on Indian marriage etiquettes.  Bride and Prejudice is a good movie to begin with especially for travellers visiting India for the first time.

3. City of Joy
If you are a travel aficionado, you cannot afford to miss out on this one. With an epic tale about Kolkata’s City of Joy slum, the 1992 blockbuster propelled Kolkata—then Calcutta—onto the big screen.

While India’s poverty is extreme, the irony of the film’s title is overshadowed by the starring characters’ touching big-hearted humanism.

Many sequences were shot on an extensive set that meticulously mimicked Calcutta’s temporary dwelling districts, even down to the tin doors and television aerials. The film also includes scenes of vibrant street life.

4. Octopussy
A classic spy picture featuring an uncomplicated James Bond and an action-packed trip through a particularly mystical India complete with a beautiful floating mansion.

It beautifully captures the numerous nods to Udaipur’s Nostalgic majesty and many of its sequences are shot on the sparkling waters of Lake Pichola.

5. Monsoon Wedding
There’s a buzz of anticipation across the nation before the monsoons arrive in July, and nowhere is this more evident than in Monsoon Wedding. Everyone is aware that Indian weddings are no joke and Monsoon Wedding does a fantastic job of confirming this very true image, much to the amusement of the audience.

A staggeringly jewelled spectacle with stellar ensemble casts and an inevitable dramatic build-up, the nuptials culminate with an epic rainstorm in this classic Indian movie

6. Life of Pi
This movie is a beautiful tale of a man, a beast and the will to survive. It depicts the story of a handsome youth’s incredible journey at sea with the most unlikely companion, a Bengal tiger. With its incredible special effects, the movie brings to life the fearsome power of India’s wildest creatures and the Pacific ocean. If you plan to go on a wildlife safari in India, then this movie is a must-watch.

7. Eat Pray Love
This movie has inspired hordes of spiritual seekers to follow in the footsteps of Elizabeth Gilbert, a divorced lady who arrived in India in search of spirituality. 

Her voyage shows a peek into the bustling city of Delhi and then the quaint and rural atmosphere of Pataudi, Haryana. 

It’s an attractive window into the serene simplicity of ashram life, shot at the majestic HariMandir Ashram outside Delhi.

8. Slumdog Millionaire
The magnificent Taj Mahal Palace and The Oberoi in India tend to outshine Mumbai’s shadowy underbelly—its slums. In the startling but ultimately feel-good 2009 award-winning Slumdog Millionaire, Danny Boyle shines a bright light on the city’s famed Dharavi area, which is home to 1,000,000 people.

Danny Boyle’s British drama chronicles the strange circumstances in the life of a young boy known as Jamal Malik from Mumbai’s slums who gets the chance to be on the Indian version of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.

9. The Darjeeling Limited
The Darjeeling Limited is a film about three brothers who travel to India following their father’s death to find serenity and resolve personal family issues.

The film, which stars Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman, and Irrfan Khan, takes us on a journey around India, showcasing the splendour of the Indian Himalayas in the hilly setting of Udaipur.

10. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
A lovely fairy tale set in the Pink city of India called Jaipur that doesn’t require too much of its audience other than to be completely and utterly enchanted.

One of the most popular movies among the aspiring tourists eager to visit India, the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel follows a group of British pensioners who, for various reasons, opt to spend their retirement in an Indian hotel run by an ambitious up-and-comer local, portrayed by Dev Patel, the star of Slumdog Millionaire.

After watching any of the movies listed above, you will agree that India is undoubtedly a cinematic experience in and of itself. Embrace the beauty of splendid locations in India on the big screen by indulging in our list of must-watch movies before planning your trip to India.

Let the cinematic universe inspire your next trip to India. So, which one of the above movies would you like to begin with and prepare yourself for an unforgettable holiday?