Frequently Asked Questions about India

Blessed with natural greenery and heritage monuments, India attracts millions of globetrotters every year. Whether you are looking to take a step ahead in your spiritual journey, bask in lush green natural surroundings or prefer some powerful adventure sports, India offers something for every traveller that visits this paradise.

From celebrating numerous festivals to hiking the topmost mountains in the world, there is no dearth of reasons for you to visit India.

However, before planning your visit to India, we understand that you may have a series of doubts coming up which should be clarified before proceeding ahead.

This guide gives you a comprehensive list of questions with answers that majorly all travellers have when planning a trip to India.

So, let’s browse through each of them quickly, clearing the rumours and presenting you with the facts.

Are the food and water served in restaurants safe to consume?
Well, the answer is yes, but it also depends upon where the water is coming from. We refrain from drinking directly from tap water and recommend boiled or filtered water. Food served in restaurants and cafes is good to consume.

If you are not used to spicy food, then you may have a tough time digesting the street food served in various cities across the country.  

What type of medicines should I carry from home?
Depending upon your choice of place to visit, we recommend you take the malaria vaccine before you depart and carry some anti-diarrhoea and altitude sickness medicines. Anti allergens and mosquito repellents are very useful when touring the different cities. Apart from these, carrying some basic medicines for mild fevers, headaches, chronic pains and ointments for cuts is always advisable.

How should I dress while visiting religious places in India?
This is the most common concern among international tourists. Different religious places in India have different sets of dress codes. However, a simple Indian Salwar kameez for women or a loose-fitting dress covering the legs and shoulders and a shirt or t-shirt paired with jeans for men will take you to most religious places in India.

What are the common religions in India?

If there is one thing that international tourists find astonishing when visiting India, it is the multi-diverse culture of this country where people follow different religions. However, the major religions of people residing in India are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism..

Can I use my country’s currency to pay for things in India?
The official currency of India is Rupee, abbreviated as INR. However, it is not possible for international tourists to pay in their home currency. But it is also easy to exchange currency at airports, banks or authorised money exchange centres. With a constant influx of international tourism, US Dollars and Pound Sterling are the easiest currency to exchange.

Are the toilets in India hygienic?
One can easily find plenty of western-style toilets in major cities and tourist spots, which are often cleaned and well maintained. However, in places which are off the tourist radar, such as in small towns and villages, Indian style toilets are the norm to be followed. We recommend carrying your own toilet paper and hand sanitiser to avoid any inconvenience at such places.

Is India a safe place to travel?
Another major concern for international tourists is their safety while travelling to the most diversified country across the globe. India is a safe and tourist-friendly destination, where you will find local people eager to help you whenever required. India is also safe for solo female travellers aspiring to explore the rich cultural diversity. Moreover, you will find that tourists are treated with equal respect irrespective of their ethnicity and gender at major tourist destinations.

What is the easiest and swiftest way to travel around the country?
While there is no dearth of options to travel in India, the quickest mode of transport to go from one part of the country to another is by train. India has the largest and most sophisticated network of railways spanning from north to south and east to west. Also, you get to enjoy the natural scenic beauty of waterfalls and green forests while travelling by train and you can also indulge in friendly conversations with the locals.

Now, after reading this, you are well equipped with the facts and knowledge needed to embark on your journey to explore incredible India.

If you prefer to have an enjoyable trip to India without facing the common hurdles in your trip, contact the team at Boundless Explorism to book a customised travel package according to your choices.
Fill up the enquiry form and let us do the rest.

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